Our physicians perform complete physicals for patients at all stages of life. Preventative care is a vital portion of your health care because it allows you and your doctor to understand your current health. Physicals and yearly well-exams also provide our doctors with the opportunity to identify and diagnose serious conditions earlier rather then later. Early diagnosis lowers your risk of harmful diseases and illnesses, which can shorten your life. Physicals provide our doctors with medical data, which better equips them to provide you with proper treatment and medical care. Putting off or ignoring yearly physicals and well-exams is not a healthy practice. At Family Medicine Associates of Texas, we strongly recommend a complete physical every 1 – 2 years from ages 20 – 39 and every year after age 40.
Our physical includes a detailed questionnaire that reviews your entire medical history along with a complete head-to-toe examination. Approximately 60 different lab tests are run on 2 tubes of blood to screen for diseases. We review results with you and provide specific suggestions and action steps to take.
Physicals Reviews
Type of Physicals
It is far easier to prevent an illness than to treat it. A physical begins with a comprehensive baseline examination to identify any potential health issues. We want to prevent early, minor problems from becoming serious major problems. These guidelines indicate the tests and procedures that should be performed on a regular basis for healthy people without disease or physical symptoms. If you have illnesses, symptoms or a family history of disease (e.g. colon cancer, high cholesterol, breast cancer etc.) these tests may need to be done more frequently than indicated.
Yearly Physicals / Explanation
A yearly physical is a comprehensive screening exam that evaluates a patients health. We perform physicals in two parts:
- The first part (CP1) includes screening blood/urine tests and a discussion with your doctor of any medical condition and symptoms you may be having. Any complaints evaluated, updates on established medical diagnoses and non-screening blood work will be billed as a regular office visit. Often there is an out-of-pocket charge for this visit to be subject to your insurance, deductible, etc., as it is not considered routine or screening.
- The second part (CP2) of the physical will include a comprehensive head-to-toe exam, review of your test results and review/update of health maintenance issues. Often this visit is covered 100% by insurance unless additional medical problems are uncovered during the exam or lab review. If you are treated for a medical condition during part 2 of your physical or a further evaluation of a problem is undertaken, non-routine fees will be submitted separately from the complete physical. Often there is an out-of-pocket charge for this aspect of the visit subject to insurance, deductible, etc., as it is no longer considered "routine" or "screening".
Blood Tests & urinalysis
Comprehensive blood tests and urine tests can indicate specific ailments, diseases, or pregnancy.
Rectal Exam
A rectal exam is the evaluation of an individuals lower organs and structures in the pelvis region.
EKG & Stress Test
An EKG test evaluates the health of your heart. A stress test is usually ordered during this time as well if medically necessary.
Hemoccult Exam
A hemoccult test checks for blood in your stool sample.
Health Maintenance issues
- Mammogram
- Pap Smear
- Bone Density
- Colonoscopy
- Chest X-ray
Immunizations & Vaccinations
The following immunizations and vaccinations are typically provided in your yearly wellness exams.
- Tetanus booster shot
- Flu vaccine
- HPV vaccine
- Pneumonia vaccine
- Meningitis vaccine
- Shingles vaccine
- Hepatitis A immunization
- Hepatitis B immunization
- Chicken Pox vaccine

Call Today!
If you are behind on these tests and procedures, please make an appointment to see one of our providers. Your first step in optimal health is bringing your health care up-to-date.