Accepted Insurance Plans
Current plans as of 1/1/2024
We do not take any Medicare Advantage Plans
- Accountable Health PPO – Interplan Health Group
- Aetna PPO, POS, and EPO (Not on Baylor Scott & White)
- Baylor Scott & White
- Blue Cross/Blue Shield HMO/PPO/POS (Not on Par Plan or Blue Solutions)
- Cigna PPO/Cigna Open Access – Cigna HMO (Now on Local Plus / Not on Focus-In or Connect)
- First Health PPO
- Galaxy Health Network PPO
- Healthcare Highways
- Health Management Network
- Health Smart PPO & non-gated EPO
- Health Smart POS & gated EPO
- Humana PPO (Choice Care) & Open Access POS
- Independent Medical Systems (IMS) PPO
- Medicare Part B – Traditional (Not accepting new Medicare patients; We are only accepting existing patients that have seen us in the last 12 months
- Railroad Medicare
- MultiPlan, Inc. PPO
- National Preferred Provider Network (NPPN/Plan Vista Solutions)
- PHCS PPO (Private Health Care Systems)
- ppoNext
- Provider Select PPO
- United Healthcare PPO, POS, EPO, HMO (Not on United Exchange Plans Including: Compass, Charter or Core)
Accepted Healthcare Exchange Plans
- Molina HMO Marketplace (Dallas & Collin County) Established patients only.
- BCBS HMO (Not on My Blue Health) Established patients only.
- Baylor Scott & White Established patients only.
Out of Network Policy
Many patients tell us they must switch their insurance plan. They think they will not be able to see us again. Here is our response:
We can still see you out of network. We see hundreds of patients outside of their networks.
We are especially sensitive to the fact you are paying out-of-pocket and try to reduce fees wherever we can. We also give lots of free samples. These two things make your out-of-pocket costs just about the same as if you were in network.
This has worked for many patients. The cost to them is about the same.
If you have something costly such as an MRI or an admission to the hospital, we can refer you back into network very easily.
Featured Plans